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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Randy Rhoades: 2/19/2016 6:08:45 PM

First day of beta. Bye destiny!!!!!!

Hello, hope you like the title. Cool it fan boys, it's not what you think ;) So I downloaded the division beta and played it for a bit. It's not a bad game just generic and basic. Don't get me wrong, I like this game a lot. Cool open world game play and a bit of sweet guns. There's a lot to do and the pvp seems pretty cool. In no way will the division kill destiny. You are sadly mistaken for even thinking that. Yes, the division is very cool and has similar aspects to destiny. Although it is hard to compare fps to tps, the question will arise. The rpg aspect is there in this game. The grind for good gear is here in a new form. There seems like there will be many more missions than destiny but not to sure about replayability. So what does the destiny community think? I left out a lot of opinions and comparisons because I don't feel like typing that much haha it would be a lot. So throw your thoughts in those comments . What I want to know is can the division brew addiction in game play as destiny did? Can the division pvp get as sweaty as crucible? Will a bunch of nerds get offended by this post? Find out next week on an all new episode of DragonBall Z. Edit: Many people in the community are misinterpreting this post. I'm not saying destiny is dead at all. Please read the whole post before you post something stupid. I'm not quitting destiny, don't think I will for a long time. If you get upset I'm sorry you've just fallen to title bait. To all the people that read this, kudos your smarter than the average bear :)

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