Hey Flood! My friends and I created an infomercial for my public speaking class
A extended version will be completed soon we just made it short since the music ended perfectly with ending
Edit: Check out the channel we have some other cool machinimas too, unfortunately some of them have been copyright strike
Edit: Really love the positive feedback!
Honest feedback. Solid video. [b]TERRIBLE AUDIO![/b]
Bump for later
Id say less yelling and more calm voices. Just having a calm infomercial for the hog would be funny
Really good. It reminds me of old Halo 3 machinima. Only problem is it needs more views
.....looks like a puma.
I like this.
5/7 [spoiler]*in Joe Steizer's voice* PEEEEEERFECT![/spoiler]
That is awesome!
Would you kindly bump for later?
That was hilarious! (/'u')/ have a [b][i][u]bumppity bump!!![/u][/i][/b]
Looks more like a puma to me.
Bump for later
K. [spoiler]brb[/spoiler]
Oh, I see. Well, I guess I'll just see myself out now. *opens door* *flips off* *exits*
Awesome! I'll switch today! (:
That was bloody beautiful
That was so fricken awesome
That's... Incredible!
I like it. The fact that it's a school project makes me like it more.
That was great man. Would r8 8/8
-blam!-ing awesome
Seems fun