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Edytowany przez użytkownika finRatman: 4/5/2016 6:08:16 PM

I am uncarriable! (Rant)

I thought I wouldn't do Trials this week, but I got such a good offer I had to give it a try. A friend of mine who has won 90% of the Trials matches decided to help me go flawless today along with a friend with similar stats he has. I was so hyped! Playing with them is a guaranteed Lighthouse run! They said it themselves! So, the first matches went by really fast. I was little to no use as they kept killing the enemies so quickly. At first it felt like I was being carried hard and didn't have to put any effort into the matches, but eventually I got into their pace and started to score some good kills. I did well overall. But then at our sixth or seventh match, we face lagswitchers. We stood no chance because that stupid Warlock was teleporting everywhere. He was simply unkillable for the most time. They said they have never experienced such bs. But whatever man! I'm playing with a two beasts! No way we'll lose another match! Right? The last match was on Rusted Lands, against the same people we had just played against on beat them. Should be an easy match. Well, we were kicking their asses. Very well, in fact! But when we were on a 4-0 situation, something happened. The enemy team just completely flipped the table, went absolutely MLG Doritos mode and f*cking murdered us, scoring Strenght of the Wolf and everything. We lost 5-4 from a 4-0 situation! I'm done. I'm f*cking done. I'll never get to the Lighthouse in Year 2. I keep trying and trying, but it's never enough. The enemy is always better. It always is. Am I really that bad and don't deserve to get Flawless? Here's my stats. Judge yourself. EDIT: inb4gitgudcomments! Maybe I should start using Mida or The Last Word. Would that help? EDIT2: So many cheering posts. I don't have time to reply to them all, but you have my thanks! Much appreciated!

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