A Fan Made Story Line For Destiny 2 (The Beginning)
First mission name: The Fall
Destination: Venus
Enter Mission:
Ghost: We found a taken base on Venus, we've heard commotion coming from it lately.
[Enter taken base]
Ghost: Something doesn't seem right with this place
Zavala: Guardian some minor rumbling has come from under the tower, we don't know what it is. Were preparing for the worst.
Ghost: Odd, that hasn't happened before.
Enter. Boss Fight. Boss name: Xulav the taken servant
Boss defeated:
Zavala: The tremors are growing get to your ship.
Cut Scene: Current Location: The Tower, Last City Earth
Cayde 6: Ikora.
Ikora Rey: What is it Cayde
Cayde 6: Scouts have spotted Fallen in vast numbers near the Twilight Gap
Ikora Rey: What is this, a full on invasion, we have to warn the speaker
Cayde 6: Something odd is happened at the tower too, a hooded figure is around here. The person isn't a guardian. Reported to be awoken.
Ikora: . . . . Cayde that person is behind you right now.
Cayde 6: Woah, what. Who are you?
Hooded figure: My name is Mara Sov.
Cayde: You!
Mara Sov: Yes, I have come in your time of need. I know of the Twilight Gap Incident, how all Fallen teamed up to rise against you. They have taken the gap now completely. They plan to raid and take out the tower.
Cayde 6: What, How do you know this?
Mara Sov: My brothers crows have been watching over it for some time
Cayde 6: Zavala should have been back by now what taking him so long?
Ikora Rey: I don't know but if we don't stop the fallen we will have no where to go.
Cayde: Fire up Project Zeta we have some work to do.
End Cut scene.
Que Next Cut Scene:
Ghost: I haven't heard from Zavala for a while. This is all worrisome.
You: I'm sure hes' fine.
Ghost I'm getting communication from Cayde 6
Cayde 6: Guardian we at full scale war with the Fallen, THEY INVADED THE TOWER. [Buzz Buzz] G-guardian go somewhere else you can't take them all on. . . . go anywhere, JUST NOT HERE. I have a safe place I hide all of my extra useless stuff. . . I'm sending you coordinates right . . . . now .
Ghost: Cayde we have intercepted the encrypted message.
Communication System: [Buzz. . . . . . Buzz . . . . . . . Buzz]
Ghost: We lost all communications with the tower, we have to head for the safe house.
You: I feel helpless.
Ghost: All we can do to help is avoid the tower
Cut Scene End
Current Destination: Earth Section 326
Ghost: The enemies here are no more this area is clear of them. That looks like. . . a sky elevator, I guess this is what Cayde 6 was talking about. The place it leads to should have food water and new gear to stalk up on.
You: This is a hopeless situation where will we go after this.
Ghost: Don't say that its not, the Speakers back up plan was to have a giant ship bigger than any ketch to travel through space. They called it Project Zeta.
You: We can make it.
Ghost: Yes we can.
End of script
Upvote if you liked.
Just a little plot line I came up with.
Other backround information:
The tower is assumed to be cleared more than half made it to the ship.
Zavala is assumed dead
Mara Sov boarded the ship and their fist stop is the Vestian Outpost.
The sky elevator is massive and the safe house is 3/4 the size of the tower.
Some important survivors: Mara Sov, her brother, Ikroa and Cayde, Lord Shaxx and the speaker.
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