...because all it seems to do now is piss me off by wasting my shards.
Here's the problem. I have Graviton Forfeit with intellect/strength.
I've seen it change intellect/discipline or strength/intellect...about 30 fu©king times.
I [u]WANT[/u] strength/discipline
According to the bungie armory it can be -
Now I assume I have some small chance to roll strength on the first perk and discipline on the second perk (I'll let one of you egg heads figure out the exact percentage) BUT
I don't want to waste all of my precious shards on this fools errand.
Now, if I know this community I know a bunch of you can't wait to tell me how stupid I am and how smart you are. Let it rip and explain these damn glass needles BC the only thing they are doing now is being a pain in the ass.
Can't get it which is a total bummer. I've found that bones of eao are probably the best exotic for night stalker since controlled jump lets you go faster and you can roll a discipline strength
Edytowany przez użytkownika blair: 4/27/2016 1:57:16 AMNvm never read the post
lol, I made the same mistake Intellect is a fixed stat on the armor You can't roll discipline, strength on it
Edytowany przez użytkownika SmashvilleViking: 4/27/2016 1:49:35 AMNah, you're not stupid. It took me a few times to realize that certain gear has set perks. A lot of people don't know that. Edit: The main thing is to check the gear you are trying to reroll.
According to this linkhttps://www.bungie.net/en/armory/Detail?type=item&item=1054763959&itemname=Graviton%20Forfeit It shows that intellect is the dominant stat...has the highest possible . This indicates that your roll must have intellect on any possible variant Cheers man
Looks like it's a 1/12 chance to get it. I'm still pretty sure it's rng but something you can do to help with shards is get alot of glimmer, buy a heavy telemetry, buy any heavy from the kiosk, use your heavy telemetry, use 6 motes of light (this was the last number I know) and then dismantle the gun and you should have enough xp from the telemetry and motes to get 2 shards when you dismantle it. I hope it helps
Some items have fixed perks. Check the armory before you use them so you do not waste them.