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Edytowany przez użytkownika Joyaboi: 4/27/2016 4:44:13 AM

Where do your morals come from?

Everyone has morals (save for if you are a serial killer) which generally speaking overlaps most of the time. What I am concerned about is where [b]you[/b] get your morals. Is it from your religion or from simply your parents teachings or a political philosophy? Personally mine come from Kantian Ethics. It is based on the belief that something is only morally correct, if universalized, it sufferers no logical contradiction. Let me explain. Say I stole someone's wallet. Well if everyone was encouraged to steal someone's wallet, then if you got a wallet it would never have been yours in the first place and since you do not own it, it cannot be stolen in the first place. Thus the entire system of owning and stealing breaks down and is illogical and hence immoral. On the flip side lets say I do not murder someone. If there was some law that said nobody could kill each other, then nobody would kill each other and thus the rule can persist and so it is logical and moral. There are also some imperfect duties, such as giving to charity, which are flexible due to the ability for you to choose how much and to what extent you would do it in a given circumstance. So what dictates your morals?

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