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Edytowany przez użytkownika BlueNovaCrush: 4/27/2016 2:24:44 PM

Amanda Holliday won't reward EV-42 Nightsteed Sparrow for, With Finesse and Speed....WHY?

"With Finesse and Speed" Quest Completion Bugged (can't accept) So I finally solo'ed the Fears Grip mission had to use Hard Light -Dead Orb' shotgun- Zombie Apocalypse and a Storm Caller warlock still barely survived at 311 light lvl .... I was happy.... until I get to Amanda Holliday to receive my long awaited sparrow, she wants to reward it to me, but there is no option or way to accept it, under quest rewards it is just blank space ... how is this a thing, that quest line was pretty tough and I feel us players deserve to be rewarded the goods that were offered for completing the said quest line.... Also my friend who plays destiny on XBOXONE told me he just completed that quest line last week and he was able to receive the EV-42 Nightsteed sparrow PSN: BlueNovaCrush Destiny PS3

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