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6/21/2016 8:59:55 PM

Other things to do in Destiny whilst waiting for IB and Trial-hard

I oft find that on weeks with IB I cant do everything I like to do. Thus here's a list of stuff I suggest trying whilst We wait: -HELP: There are Thousands of People out there struggling with things Year 1 players might find obsolete (Id Est: VOG, Crota, Old POE, Sleeper/Spindle/No time quests) They could Use the Guns. -Extra-ordinary: Patrol with no HUD, Gather Mats, Help Randy, Search for Ahamkara or even try to get the Speaker to say something relevant. -Pound at Crucible to get that rank up, to finish Crucible quests (which lead to Shaxx's weekly bounties[worth it]), or to complete bonuses for unfinished game types. -Organize crazy challenges or limits within crucible or raids. (My clan goes Power ranger mode wearing different solid colour shaders and co-op subclass setups. -CHALLENGE: While this week's challenge mode is a toughie, the playlist still offers some of the best loot for repetitious gameplay. Point is, There is really quite a lot to do with Destiny even when IB and Trial-hard are inoperable.

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