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Edytowany przez użytkownika Milo: 7/8/2016 4:08:54 AM

Elemental primaries

Yes, good idea


No, bad idea


Yes, another thread about elemental primaries. But hear me out and read on before you vote. I have an idea that could possibly reintroduce these weapons in a semi balanced way: grant the ability to [i]convert[/i] a kinetic damage primary to an elemental one using a consumable, similar to chroma. These consumables would be very few and very far in between, and would hold an exotic status. This way it would be more of a privilege to have one, not a grind in a raid trying to get a good role and element on a single weapon. That hung jury with firefly and triple tap? Throw arc damage on it, now Fallen captains are no problem. Void on shadow price would melt minotaurs. And solar would.. Well, you get the idea. These would not, however be applicable to exotic weapons. No sense in making something that's already supposed to be OP even more OP. Like I said, it's supposed to be a privilege to use an elemental primary. I would love to hear your guys' thoughts and opinions in the comments below! Keep it clean, guardians.

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