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12/20/2015 4:35:03 AM

Brumal Insurgence Strike 3, Part 2

[spoiler]Havent read the previous parts? Here's the [url=]Master Post[/url][/spoiler] Brumal Insurgence Strike 3: The Timeless P2 You emerge in Afterlife, The Nothing. The same place you went to in Rebirth Mission. In front of you is the pile of scrap the portal sucked in, and behind that is the portal, still open. "Guardian! Can you hear me?"- Cayde "Loud and clear. The portal is allowing out transmissions through."- Ghost "Great! Ikora wanted you to..."- Cayde He gets cut off. The portal closes. "Cayde? Cayde? What happened?"- Ghost Suddenly, a bright blue orb appears in the center of the portal. It begins to grow brighter and brighter, until the screen is pure red. It dies down. In place of the pile of dead Vex is Xylar, The Timeless. Xylar is a serpentine- like construct. It has 3 heads, each very similar to the Timeless Cyclops. The left one shoots Void blasts. The right one shoots Solar. The middle shoots Cryo. Each head has a shield around it, similar to a Hydra shield but completely covering and the same color as the damage type it shoots. The fight begins. The fight starts when the middle head's shield drops and it can be damaged. The middle head fires a beam of light at one of the fireteam. That person is lifted up and stays floating in midair. It appears that they stay still but actually their mind is sent to another place. For the person caught in the gaze, they will get a debuff, Xylar's Heed. Soon they are teleported to an area with a debuff in the corner called "Xylar's Dream" that looks like (and is in some respects) the Vault of Glass. The middle head teleports you to the main room where you faught Atheon. The left head will teleport you to Mars and the right head will teleport you to Venus. Blue Oracles will appear but no Ageis, or adds. There is also no darkening of the screen. You have to kill all of the Oracles in time much like on VoG. If the Oracles live for too long, you will get a debuff called "Negated". Back in Afterlife, Xylar drops your dead body and ghost to the ground. If you kill all of them in time, you will get teleported back to Afterlife, The Nothing and Xylar will drop his Heed. To those still in Afterlife, it only appears that stops his heed and the third player can move again. To those two on the outside, they can damage the middle head. The other two have shields and shoot at you. Shortly after Xylar drops his Heed, whether from the person in it dying or killing all of the Oracles, the middle head's shield goes back up. The left head's shield goes down and it heed's another player. This player also has to kill the Oracles while the other two damage that head. Once the Oracles are dead Xylar drops his Heed and its shield goes back up. The right head heeds the third player and the cycle continues. Once all 3 head's have taken a turn to Heed a player, the order in which the player is chosen changes so it isn't a predictable cycle of "whose next?". The cycle continues until one head is destroyed, at which point the debuff "Xylar questions himself" is added and adds begin to spawn in. The cycle continues, but now only one head shoots (since there is only one not Heeding) and it is helped with adds. Once the second head is killed, there is a debuff added called "Xylar fears no fate" and the fight becomes very hard. More enemies spawn in. The remaining head will now shoot even in Heed, and he shoots faster, and the blasts alternate between Void, Solar, and Cryo damage. The splash damage is also larger. If the person in Xylar's Dream dies, then Xylar will not drop him. Instead his body and ghost are left in his Dream, and can only be revived by the next person who gets Heeded. When you finally kill Xylar, the adds despawn. "Quick! Let me take a look at that Vex! It might hold what Ikora was looking for and a way out."- Ghost You go and scan Xylar's wreckage. "I think..."- Ghost The portal opens. You get sucked through and emerge in the Garden. "That wasn't me."- Ghost The portal turns red and closes. "Guardian, your back! Thank heavens. You can tell us everything later, but..."- Cayde "Guardian! What the hell were you thinking?! Going against my orders like that, I expect something like that from Cayde, but Ikora? What would drive her, and you to do something so idiotic? Come back, we'll sort this out."- Zavala "sorry."- Cayde whispers The strike ends. The debuff "Xylar fears no fate" is still active. Possible Strike drops include: Xylar's Dream fusion rifle. It looks like a white Praetorian Foil with Cryo damage. It has the Oracle Disrupter perk on it. Xylar's (Left, Right, or Middle) Head exotic Hunter Cloak. "A token taken from Xylar's (Left, Right, or Middle) Head, it is said to bind to the body of its wearer." It is the color and material of the shield of the head killed last (In a manner similar to the Psion Flayer cloaks). It has "The Life Exotic" perk equiped. [spoiler]Want to read more? here's the [url=]Master Post[/url][/spoiler]

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