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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
6/29/2016 11:42:53 PM

Melees have a logical problem that needs help.

So, how come when a shoulder charge is coming at me and I jump onto the air, the titan hits the [u]air[/u] below me and still kills me? Other times I catch the game red-handed when the titan [u]teleports[/u] up to my altitude. How come from another guardian's P.O.V., when a hunter, or titan, or even warlock melees someone...they glitch out and teleport into the victim, making the fight look [b]totaly[/b] unfair? Why is it possible to STILL frontstab, but not sidestab? And this one is just funny because of how ridiculous it is. How do I sprint and then melee someone, and I go right [u]through[/u] them? (And no, the connection was [b]perfectly[/b] fine.) But this one just numbs my brain. How do you [b]NERF[/b] those hunter melees, and [b]COMPLETELY[/b] overlook the warlock [u]default[/u] melee? [b]Let ALONE the stormcaller melee[/b].

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