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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
7/21/2016 3:22:15 AM

a female looking for other females to play with on destiny (xb1)

apparently (according to obsessive gamer bf :D) im not social enough, which is true. im a blck female looking for other females (gender identifying or otherwise) to play with and join parties with. just from past experiences unless they're already people i know, i don't really play with guys but will make few exceptions. i do work a lot a so my activity is sporadic, though high activity days are wednesdays and thursdays. if interested please message me at gamertag [b][u]ladyclacker4000 [/u][/b] and we will see if we're compatible players or not or if you just wanna make friends thats cool too. im not the best player but i try to learn from shitty experiences. im kinda shy, a little awkward, a little bitchy but im nice to everyone and can be loud sometimes.

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