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Edytowany przez użytkownika Panda: 4/24/2016 3:51:19 PM


I was playing crucible on my stricter Titan yesterday and I went to shoulder charge a Titan and he survived and killed me the Crota fusion rifle. No body should be able to survive a shoulder charge since it's so hard to use and fusion rifles shouldn't kill that easily. My fix: in order to fix I think we should increase the damage of shoulder charge by 50% making it deal 250 damage and also fusion rifles butts should have a 50% more spread to reduce the amount of shots that hit. Also on another instance I was on my blade dancer and I stuck a Titan with a flux grenade and he lived and then killed me a Low rate of fire auto rifle. This is bull crap. I think we should buff the damage of the flux grande to 300 damage for a stick and that we should nerf low rate of fire auto rifles to have a 10% slower rate of fire to compensate for their OPness. Tell me what you guys think :)

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