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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Heat 0f Battle
Edytowany przez użytkownika tryingtodelete: 8/16/2016 4:23:30 PM


EPISODE 6 A STRANGER ARRIVES Written by SmartAurum75 and HOB Satyr “ I have no time to explain how long i’ve been here or how i got here” The Exo Stranger says. “Oh Lord not this again!” Hemera said. “I was friends with the Chosen Guardian. You can skip your dramatic entry!” Hemera was obviously ticked off. “LET THIS STRANGER TALK YOU HERMIT” Petra says. “Right. As I was saying. I have no time to explain how long I’ve been here or I got here. I can only tell you this. Meet me again at the Burning Shrine on Mercury. The Taken can not infect somewhere that close to the Sun.” The Exo Stranger said. “You and the other 9 survivors will meet there.” She transmatted away. Again. “Ummmm can i come.Yesss please”Says Variks from out of nowhere with a bag full of plushes of his DEAD friends followed by Brother Vance,and a female awoken guardian Hunter With dark black hair wearing Kellslayer armour holding a House Judgement badge.Her name is Exypnos”Hello I’m Petra’s sister 76 times exiled now adopted by Variks my father.”Exypnos says. “How the bloody Dreadnaught did you two get on board!?!” Petra asked. “Every ship has a transmat lock” “How can you be a Fallen's daughter. That's not how it works. Like. At all. You're sure you checked your biology?” Hemera asked. “Because YOU are AWOKEN!” “So what I’m his ADOPTED daughter! YOU unstarblessed human!”Exypnos says. As the two huntresses argued, Erax felt it again. The Darkness. It was smothering. He fell to his knees. He held out his right hand. To his surprise Ghost popped out. It wasn't helping. The Ghost looked at Erax in shock. “Guardian Down!” Ghost yelled. All the passengers of the jumpship looked at Erax on the ground. “THEY'RE HERE! IN THE REEF! THE TAKEN ARE HERE! “THAT TRAITOR IS A TAKEN TRACKING BEACON! KILL HIM NOW WHEN HE’S WEAK!”Exypnos says. “DREADNAUGHT!” Erax screamed! “GET US TO MERCURY!” Hemera ran to protect Erax. “Venj! Zavala! Get the ship into warp!” Hemera said ”NOOOO HE’S STILL ONBOARD DON’T DO IT YOU KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT! KILl HIM NOW!”Exypnos says. “Eat light!” Petra said. She launched the ship into warp just as the Taken Guardian ships arrived. “Now, we're sa-” “NOOO WE’RE NOT HE’S STILL HERE!”Exypnos says as she interrupts her sister. “Listen ‘sister’. We are not related. You may be Awoken but you are not my sister! Variks is not your father and we ar- “ Yes we are sisters Variks said so he only tells the honest truth!You’re foolish sister.” Exypnos says in a teary voice. “Exypnos says truth yesss”Variks says. “Whatever!” Petra said The ship jumped out of warp and into the thin atmosphere of Mercury. They landed. Zavala put on his helmet and carried Erax out. The Exo Stranger runs up to them. Uldren is standing next to her. “Get the medical room ready!” She tells Uldren. “Zavala. Saladin is waiting inside the Lighthouse.” The group runs into the lighthouse. Inside, Lord Saladin, Osiris, and Mara Sov are waiting.

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