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Edytowany przez użytkownika Pure Tamales: 8/26/2016 7:34:08 AM

Apparently I'm a cheater for using a sniper...

So I was playing salvage, and I was using a Nirwen's Mercy and 1000 Yard Stare. I'm not a sweaty player and I don't normally use snipers. But, I did a decent job and we ended up winning the match. So, one of my opponents sent me a message and he/she said: "Nice cheating with that aim bot" And I replied "You think I'm cheating because I'm using a sniper? Get gud." And then I tell him/her "By the way, I recorded the double snipe footage so go ahead, look at my profile so you can see that I'm not cheating" He/she replies "Aim bot cheater kk" And I reply "Are you 8 years old? Seriously dude get a life and stop complaining. You had a 3 man fireteam and I was playing solo. We outplayed you" He/she replies "because you have an aim bot not 1 person can be zoomed in on a head before the door opens. quit cheat an earn kills like a man .. piss of cheater" And I reply for the last time "Wtf is an aim bot? Didn't you see my video? Damn dude you need help. You're probably salty because you lost the match? Like I said get gud. First of all, I don't cheat. I don't like cheaters. They ruin the fun from the game. Secondly, I'm not great with snipers. I was surprised that I managed to do well with a sniper on that game. Thirdly, I'm horrible in salvage. I was only trying to win for the weekly bounties. Lastly, what's an aim bot? If you want to check the video. Click the link. This is my first time posting in the forums and maybe this will be my last. Edit: A lot of people have been asking "Why did you post this? What's the purpose?" I knew I was going to receive messages like these. The reason I posted this is because I wanted to share something that seemed newsworthy. This is my first time posting in the forums and I've seen many people posting stuff like "hatemail for using this or that" so why can't I post something like this? I love sharing. Sharing is caring.

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