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Edytowany przez użytkownika Chef Boyardeen: 11/28/2016 4:19:15 PM

Imago Loop Farming.. Help bungie!

Evening of the good, guardians, today here to discuss the farmhouse that holds the loop of the imago. As we all know, the gun shoots good pews, butt only if the perks are well. This makes the farmhouse very disappointed when not well perks are rolled. We hold the button of the dismantle until gun shoot no more. So today i have made a fix Hello boongie today I propose to you my fix of the imago. I state that you must dismantle all of the perks that are not well before the shooting utencil is plopped into our booty. This way we get only the imago loop that does not have a roll of the poop. Thank you for viewing bugnie i hope u fix soon. If not fix i declare i will quit your game becaose i cannot have the best shoot. if u do not want to do the lose of your most loyal player i would do the fix quick!

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