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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Venomous47: 12/25/2016 6:40:54 AM

Gotta love the Destiny Easter Egg in the new Netflix Original called "Travelers"

It happe[b]n[/b]s in Episode 8 of S[b]e[/b]ason 1 and he tells a Bookie to bet on the ho[b]r[/b]ses named "Patience and Time," "Down and Doubt," "Touch of Malice," "The Last Word," and "The [b]F[/b]ourth Horseman." As soon as I heard o[b]f[/b] it I looked it [b]u[/b]p and there is already a reddit po[b]s[/b]t talking about it. Oh man, do [b]I[/b] love references to vide[b]o[/b] games in shows a[b]n[/b]d movie[b]s[/b]. EDIT: Here is a quick youtube video of it uploaded by taratr98 EDIT2: For those wondering. The [u][i]Winners[/i][/u] were Patience and Time, Down and Doubt, and The Last Word. While the [u][i]Losers[/i][/u] were Touch of Malice and The Fourth Horseman

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