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Edytowany przez użytkownika Pyrohydrant: 12/22/2016 10:17:29 PM

What do you NOT like about certain genres of music?

So you know you say you don't like Rap or country? Why you say "Oh it's just talks about drugs, and gangs" and such and such. But have you actually taken time to listen to that genres you don't like? [i] Anyways[/i] Comment below and share you opinion the options are [i] limitless[/i] you are in control of your own answer. Why I don't like modern pop [spoiler]To be honest it's all sounds the same recently and nothing really feels original anymore the beats are generic, the vocals, spew nonsense, and it's seems all eh. But I can't speak for all pop music, and it's my opinion so yeah.[/spoiler] Edit: so in all honesty I believe it's the radio is the fault of most people's distaste in music, overplayed songs, plays THE most popular songs ever, etc. [i]but[/i] the thing I don't understand is why we don't like some music and some music appeals to others? Maybe it was the music we were raised around, perhaps its the certain vibrations appealed to our brain, who knows it's a [i]mystery[/i]

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