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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
1/4/2017 8:33:34 PM

More D-Pad Selctions for Emotes

I've been a Destiny Player since the Beta. I've always enjoyed playing Destiny even when days it became a drought I still managed to find a new way to have fun. However, the one thing that always bothered me about Destiny AFTER new Emotes became available. Is the fact that we can ONLY CHOOSE ONE EMOTE AT A TIME! I don't understand that at all. I love the Emotes, I really do. But I find it strictly irritating that I have to go into my selection screen just to change ONE Emote for certain situations. Will there be a moment or update that y'all can possibly replace the standard Emotes. From the Wave, Sit Down, Dance (Right Pad)? I mean,I spent money on these New Emotes and just use one new Emote at a time is quite frankly frustrating. It's the small things that count. So can this count for something, please?

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