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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Stimulating Sleepers
Edytowany przez użytkownika TheNamesPuddy: 12/23/2015 4:52:58 PM

Rules and Regulations: Part l

[url=]Listen to this while you read[/url] Hello, everyone! This is your captain speaking! As spicy as our clan is, I thought it would be best to lay down some rules for all of us to follow at all times to keep a theme for the clan. The theme? Spicy memes obviously. Here is the first wave of rules. I plan on making more when necessary. [b]First Rule[/b]: All memes must be dank af. [b][u]NO EXCEPTIONS[/u][/b]. [b]Second Rule[/b]: Memes must be [i]smooth[/i] and add something to the topic that is currently being talked about. [b]3rd Rule[/b]: Ask the party you are in what kind of spice level they can handle before saying the meme. The levels range from [b]mild, medium, buffalo, habanero, dank[/b]. Yes, dank might be the highest, but please remember rule #1. All memes must be dank, but the faint-hearted can't a double dank. Never forget. [b]Rule #4[/b]: Always remember to laugh at anothers meme! We need to keep our members positive. Even if their meme is mild when you asked for buffalo, laugh anyway to make them feel good. [b]Filth Rule[/b]: Always remember to be creative! Try to make a new meme! That should be it for now with the rules. Have fun everyone, and stay memey my friends! You cheeky scrubs!

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