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1/30/2017 2:06:30 AM

And this is why we can't have nice things in overwatch

So i got thrown into the tail end of a capture the flag match. Like, i got out of my first spawn about 20 seconds before they got the match point flag. The other team had taken control of the game, and had managed to hold our flag. I figure "screw it, I'll finish the match out", but no. The other team took the flag, went to their side, and set up base. They wouldn't finish the match, and my team wouldn't organize to get the flag. This irked me. I don't like to quit games, but they were planning to just sit there and make the match go as long as they decided. I don't know how widespread this is. Maybe its not. But people suck, and i assume this is not new. Anyone else run into this annoyance? I did finish it the match though. Got my emp and broke their defenses enough for my team to take the flag back and finally finish the match.

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