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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
2/26/2017 6:05:02 AM

Love it or hate it. Destiny was babe/still is

I mean it is. Seriously what other game has had you hunting and hungering so hard for more content? Yes I know that part is both good and bad. I don't play as much as I used to due to real life picking up. I know right? What a plebb. Ive slain 2 hive gods with random people grew to be close friends with them. One vex god I mean Atheon is kind of a god right? Killed skolas and survived his taint. Haha. Remember the space herpies? I mean come on yes it has its flaws but what game gives you space aids and encourages you to spread them. Which we did and enjoyed the crap out of it. I may not have killed aksis but ive made it to him and it was also fun. This games held strong for me for 2.5 years. Anyway leave some comments about what you've enjoyed or what you've hated. [spoiler]and yes my PvP stats are shite[/spoiler]

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