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Edytowany przez użytkownika MOAh_KIUGA: 3/3/2017 8:22:28 AM

What about the LOYALS, The GUARDIANS that stayed?

So I just read the article that Deej put out 8hrs ago. This what stuck out for me and I'll explain why here in a few seconds. [quote] Deej- "If you’re a Guardian, we know everything about you – in the game, at least. We know which activity you’re playing, which gear you have equipped, and who you bring along with you on your missions. Knowing the full scope of our audience helps us make better games. It’s one of the reasons why we always wanted to make a connected game like Destiny." So my question is "why not reward those of us that grind out and continuously login for destiny since the beginning?" So if you know us completely and you know us well... Do you not think we've earned our right at something? Our right at being "branded special" for staying with you BUNGIE-Destiny? Those of us who continue to go to the tower and hop around for hours just because we can for no apparent reason. :-) You know who you are. From the "RAIDers" to the "Collectors" from the "Trial guys" to the "I gotta get everything done before reset guys" where's our Badge, our Brand, our "we never left stripe"? Maybe an emblem called the "the EARNING" or "the LOYAL" with matching shaders??? Hahahaha these are just suggestions/ideas and you probably get a million of them suggestions. I've watched my 7page Destiny friends list dwindle to half a page :-( but we are still here... We are the ones who get excited still at every spark of Destiny news that comes our way, even when it's News is bread crumbs of crumbs themselves at times tiny morsels that make us hope for more, for better, and for the best. So when you say you watch us... please don't forget about us... the ones you still watch. BUNGIE the all seeing eye, see us we are still here we are the LOYALS we are Legendary.

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  • Your a 100 percent right about that. Bungie should be rewarding people for staying. But the thing is we're already in year 3 of destiny life cycle. Bungie probably give 2 flying -blam!-s about us loyal players that still login that find time or still want to play. To them it doesn't matter whether we're on the Xbox or the PlayStation, alpha/beta, day 1, year 1, 2 or 3 players. We might as well be lumped together as already chewed up and spit out bubble gum. They only seem to care for new players. They don't want to cater or reward the players that been here from the start or the loyal ones that stay when other games came out. If any one at bungie is reading this post prove me wrong. Reply within a few days. Say that you guys care you appreciate the hours spent playing this game. Also maybe start to reward the ones that continuously keep login like this guy, me and any other that still login. If no reply it only proves me point that you guys don't care for loyalty.

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