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5/8/2017 7:42:09 PM

I apologise I'm guilty!!

After reflecting some I realized I'm as guilty as everyone else. I got caught up in the vicious cycle. I was a shotgunner. I loved my chaperone and universal remote. So when I started seeing all the nerf shotgun and universal remote posts what did I do? First of all I thought it was ridiculous. So I'd check the player posting and yup a sniper user. So just because my way of playing was being bombarded with nerf posts, out of spite I started agreeing with the nerf sniper posts here and there. I became part of the problem! For what? Just to say ha you got my weapons nerfed so yours are next. The low I had sunk to. Now I see the error of my ways. Wether or not all the nerf posts are responsible for all these crazy balancing patches is still under debate. I can't help but feel we are partly responsible though.

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