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2/22/2017 2:37:01 PM


I have been a fan of Bungie for a long time because of the Halo Franchise and since its release I have played Destiny and accumulated a lot of playing time over the last years and I can honestly say that I have never been this disappointed at the state of the game. Why is that? Unlike most I am not upset about the balancing of the weapons, even though I could never comprehend how and why we got to the point that we are in where sidearms are the new shotguns and in competitive crucible its all about getting around the special ammo situation (NLB, Icebreaker etc.) What bothers me the most is the spawning in crucible and that seems absurd because I haven't seen anybody calling Bungie/ Activision out for that yet. (At least from the youtubers that I follow.) I have hours of footage of myself playing with clanmates spawning all over the maps (across all game modes) - spawning in front of supers, sticky grenades, sniper rifles, sidearms, fusion rifles, shot guns, basically anything that kills you within 2 seconds. In short: You spawn and you're dead again and you don't have the chance to do anything about it. That has never been an issue, at least not from my own recollection or those of my clanmates and we play a lot. Why is the spawning all over the place? Even though we come out of most games with a positive K/D and as long as we play in a fireteam of 3 or 4 we are able to take the win at a reasonable rate, but the time that we are playing and this is the most important point of this rant, is the fact that we get bitter and upset and talk about finding something else to play, even though we all love the game. If you care to question how involved I am in the process of fixing Destiny's issues, you can check out this video I made a year ago, talking about the story or the lack thereof and my approach to possibly fixing it: To me and my friends it seems like that Bungie does not care about Destiny (1) anymore. They neglect their product months and months ahead of a new release and put out patches that at least look like nobody tested them. Nobody should preorder Destiny 2 in my opinion, simply because of the fact that they feel like they can abbandon ship and get away with it as long as the first two weeks of Destiny 2 look entertaining. PvE is too easy, PvP is too messy to play.

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  • Right there with you. It seems like I could do anything, any combo, ANY -blam!-ING WEAPON.... nothing works. My titans true skill speaks for itself... Yet, there is no hope for this garbage anymore. It would be better off if they just scrapped the entire pvp aspect. They clearly have zero idea how to pinpoint and isolate bullshit.

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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