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7/1/2017 12:36:23 PM

Blue Yeti Pro Vs. RODE NT1, Which Will Be Better For Destiny 2?

Blue Yeti Pro




Breaking The 4th Wall: Hey everyone reckless here, and I was having a little debate with my conscience and we were really going at it. So given that I have a Destiny YouTube channel I wanted to know what the Destiny community thinks about these two mics and which you guys think is better for gaming, streaming, podcasting, etc. I plan on using it for my YouTube channel Breaking The 4th Wall especially for Destiny 2. Now the choices are the Blue Yeti Pro or the Rode NT1. I am only looking at these two mics. So which one do you guys approve of more? I will base my decision off of you guys' responses. I've done many polls here and the community was a huge help so I hope you guys can help on this one too. Also let me know in the comments why you chose the one you picked.

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