Really? Pre-captured zones? What are we five? C'mon you're taking the gameplay out of the game! I know not everybody knows how to play zone control but still. Also the nova bomb was slower then melted taffy! I've been trying to tell people to give the game a chance but I can't think of a way to defend these choices. On top of the previously mentioned gripes the titan still skates! The sentinel titan moved just as fast (if not faster) then current titanic skating. I loved destiny 1 and I already have the legendary edition on pre-order so I'm not hating the game to hate it I am just baffled by these design choices.
I don't care about what the FPS is or if it's 4K or not. I don't care if the matches are now 4v4 (personally I understand that change on a balance standpoint) or how the weapon load out changes are meant to make balance easier. However pre-captured zones is not justified by balance or streamlined gameplay it is justified because "the players don't know what to do." WELL WTF DO YOU THINK WE KNOW? LET THE PLAYERS FIGURE OUT HOW TO PLAY THE GAME THEMSELVES!
[spoiler]rant over. I love D1 and am getting D2 but this just put me over the edge.[/spoiler]
The Nova bomb killed people. Around a corner. That Titan skating was not the final build according to Bungie. That was before that nerf.
Defending of the horrendous changes made are just the fan boys. Very few good changes mostly all bad changes.
Ugh titan skating is dumb. " lets make the chracter thats best offensively and defensively move around the map like a hunter with max agility"
A bug battle for B sounds like more fun that before where you either have most of your team run off at B whilst some stay back. And also the nova bomb tracks and has a big explosion with some smaller ones after that as well I think
Pre captured zones can only make the gameplay more intense at the start of the match. It will either be a big battle for b. Or one team will push the other to their respective points.
Well... I guess I won't buy a whole game if we start with pre-controlled zone at the beginning of one gamemode
Right for starters NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO CAPTURE ZONES ANYWAY. That's a constant gripe and you see the posts everytime iron banner is control. Secondly that was just one side of the nova bomb that we have seen. Each subclass has 2 paths. Thirdly the titan build was an old build and all characters move at the same speed.
That titan didn't move anywhere near as fast as current titan skating. Even if he did, that gameplay was even before the E3 reveal, which inhibited titan movement.
This guy's complaining about pre-captured zones, forget he exists and move on.
Maybe Bungie is just tired of seeing whiny kids on here crying because no one is capping any zones. 🤷♂️
Well I mean here we are 3 years later and people still don't know how to capture points in control soooooooooooooooo
[quote]Really? Pre-captured zones? What are we five? C'mon you're taking the gameplay out of the game![/quote] No they changed it so the game would go at a faster pace. [quote]I know not everybody knows how to play zone control but still.[/quote] Considering that capture the flag type game modes are just as old as a classic team death match, everyone already knows what to do. In Destiny, people just ignored them and only went for kills. This new system is trying to encourage players to capture and hold those zones more often. [quote]Also the nova bomb was slower then melted taffy![/quote] You realize that nova bomb is now a giant projectile that tracks targets, has an explosion radius the size of 5 D1 novas put together, and splits into multiple but smaller novas that also track people, right? I'd say that slower travel time and single use is a pretty good trade off for all of that destructive capability. [quote]On top of the previously mentioned gripes the titan still skates! The sentinel titan moved just as fast (if not faster) then current titanic skating.[/quote] Doesn't anyone ever pay attention anymore? It was constantly said that the gameplay was ran on an older model similar to Destiny's. Destiny 2 is going to perform differently. [quote]I loved destiny 1 and I already have the legendary edition on pre-order so I'm not hating the game to hate it I am just baffled by these design choices. [/quote] Your hating some pretty dumb reasons. I am not much of a pvp player as I am a pve player, but these changes are pretty good for control.
Pre capped zones for 4v4 gameplay seems right to me if only one person stays back for each team, there's only 3v3 gameplay for the first 12 seconds or so of the match. It's not only boring and pointless for the dude who plays the objective, but also for his teammates.
So's your face! Uhburn!
Lets see.... 1. Pre-captured zones help get the game started faster, and so you won't be the only person rushing B, because your whole team is squatting on your spawn control point. Been there. Done that. 2. The changes to Nova Bomb limit its usefulness as a panic button...but amplifies its deadliness to teams that carelessly clump up. 3. The Sentinel Titan only moves that fast during his SUPER.....not all the time, as with Titan skating. Plus the game has been changed so that its far more predictable when people get their supers. The changes are to speed up play, and make it more consistent. The changes are to convert the game from a rock/paper/scissors form of balance (that Destiny 1 had, but the pvp community WHINED ENDLESLY about) to a more 1:1 balance.
Edytowany przez użytkownika TheTommieC: 7/11/2017 11:43:44 AM[i]You have thirty-one Objectively Correct medals. I enjoy pre-capped flags at the beginning. Technically the playing field is still even with or without the pre-cap at the beginning. It allows for people to hop straight into gun fights. And we don't have to neutralize flags anymore? Just straight capture, that's a positive. Sure, I always waited to capture flag A or C at the start, while everyone else just bum-rushed ahead. If you're worried about it, stay at that start flag and defend it. Problem solved?[/i]
I don't see what the big deal is. Either way is fine with me. You're making broad assumtions, stop it, you sound like an idiot.
Edytowany przez użytkownika TwigTwig: 7/11/2017 4:55:19 PMYou really belittle all the other genuine complaints when you moan about pre captured zones, even if you are baiting. Get a grip.
Just as fast or faster than current skating? No. Not even close.
You really want to stand still for 15 seconds at the start of each game to capture a zone?
Your complaining that Titan skating is too good hahaha. Don't think I've ever heard someone say Titans move too fast WOW ppl find anything and everything to complain about!
The Crucible dev explained very clearly the reason behind "pre-capturing"; to focus the immediate action at the start instead of having a slow opening where a few players may stay behind. The zone gets captured regardless, and having it pre-captured will only focus player attention towards pushing into the map and not moving 3 meters past spawn to sit still. That and it isn't even a huge issue because it doesn't impact anything serious. Zone is now captured immediately instead of 6 seconds later.
From someone who played all subclasses and all classes and loved them all. Played more Warlock than anything just watched the videos. Is there any reason to use anything other than Defender titan? Any reason at all? That nova bomb was funny as hell. I can see hunters hitting a point emote before they leave the area.....
Imagine how mad people would get if the new control was played on shores of time. Now you can't abandon A In the first 5 seconds of the game
Wow this thread proves it, people will actually moan about everything haha.
Every time Bungie talks about the changes to the game it's like we all stooooood little children who couldn't possibly figure out how to do anything. We captured the 1st zone for you, because it was too confusing and people didn't know what to do...