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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Kasiniare: 5/21/2017 2:03:06 PM

Destiny 2 Suggestion Thread

Yes, I understand it's all early and everything is still up in the air and can be changed before launch. I still want to collect the communities concerns and suggestions here for Destiny 2's designers to consider while they still have time. Let's get this game as perfect as possible on launch! So, my big thing is actually a really small thing. I don't like the artwork of the guardians on the ability screen. I much preferred the cool engram like emblem we have in Destiny 1 right now that showcases our 'Light". I feel like it has a classier, more general style for each individual interpretation of our Guardians. Hopefully they'll change that rather than showing us concept art of the Guardians on the ability screen. I'm also concerned about not being able to use shotguns and snipers in PvE if Power Ammo is too rare. Hopefully it won't be so rare or the ammo apportioning for those weapons will be enough to help us use them often enough not to feel too limited in PvE. What are some of your concerns or suggestions from the Destiny 2 footage we've seen so far?

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