I preferred the pulse rifles personally. I liked hand cannons, but they take some getting used too. Most likely when Destiny 2 is released the pulse rifles will be the main weapon. I really liked the "Nightshade" pulse. Hopefully I spelt that correctly. I never seen a rocket launcher the entire beta. But my friends were claiming that they were in the beta. Anyway, what was your favorite weapon type/weapon in the beta?
- Also sub machine guns and grenade launcher.
Hand cannon is the most fun for me, but pulse rifles are noticeably better performers. At least for me.
No love for sidearms I see
I was a pulse rifle guy in the first Destiny, but the Deathstalker and the Riskrunner assured that I will primarily use auto rifle's and SMGs in Destiny 2.
Wasn't enough in the bega to really judge. If i had too pick one, it would the Submachine guns. Mainy due to the baby Zhalo, Riskrunner.
I loved the scathelock auto rifle, definitely will be looking for it in the full release
The Better Devils was one of the best HCs I've used in months. Can't wait to grab me a god roll of that.
Those fusion rifles though... I was voopin people from friggin lightyears away man.
I played at least 100+ games of control and my strongest loadout was, Nightshade Minuet Main ingredient The Negral was very good too but the Minuet was just too crispy to not use! The Nightshade was easily the most powerful primary once you got the kill clip active! I really hope they balance the primary weapons up to the strength of the Nightshade and not the other way around.
LMG. Oh, wait, nevermind. Seriously, I hate whoever decided to take out LMGs. How could you do this to us?!
Scouts and pulses worked best for me.
I'm one of few people that loved SMGs. I ran dual SMGs one game (don't judge me) and it was the most fun game I played.
Edytowany przez użytkownika FairlySplendid: 7/30/2017 11:20:12 PMDon't let PR fans fool you into thinking they were the shining star. Across the board Pulse Rifles, Autos, Shotguns and Fusion Rifles all felt like they did back in their respective hay days. SMGs basically replaced sides arms. As far as being the most effective option within that range/utility category. Scouts, Linear Fusion Rifles and Grenade Launchers fell short. Rocket Launcher needed more rockets. No strong opinion on HCs.
Handcannons we're my favorite to use in D2 especially pve. But slow ttk and semi bad utility led to me using mainly pulses.
Grenade Launcher.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Solarvoidlock: 7/30/2017 8:15:35 PMTried all weapons, but eventually I ended up with the combo: - Better Devils (hand cannon) - Deathstalker-4AU (auto rifle) - Main Ingredient (fusion rifle) / For PvP Retrofuturist (shotgun) - Sweet Business on Titan I found the Dawnblade's perk that lets you shoot during glide works best with a handcannon. For the most part I used the HC for red bar enemies, the FR for yellow bars, and the AR for the strike boss.
As usual, pulse rifles. However, this was the first time I EVER enjoyed experimenting with hand cannons.
I loved the range on hcs
Pulse rifles were obviously the dominant weapon in pvp but I've always loved my scouts (does not compute was good the veist one was utter garbage) and handcannons were pretty good too
wish they didn't ruin scouts.
Always loved handcannons. The Better Devils had about everything I'd want on a handcannon: Looks good, hits hard, explosive rounds, large mag, looks good.
Shotguns felt special again. They were deadly in capable hands. Kinda like in Halo.
Pulse and auto worked great, pulse for single target, auto for aoe. Double primary ftw
Where his side arm?
Autos and SMGs were super fun to play with in PvE and PvP I really liked the better devils and sunshot as well but pulse rifles were definitely the best weapon type IMO
Rocket launcher.