Burnt orange, five shots, and yet still somewhat usable--I give you: The Mos Morsus III
The Byronic Hero.
That Crucible scout rifle drop that used the model from the Fang of Ir Yut but with terrible color scheme. The NL Shadow, with terrible stats, a cool name, and a seriously eye-burning design. By far the worst reskin.
Dragons breath tiger skin...it's ugly...
I think most of the hakke stuff is pretty horrendous..its space weapons, not CoD SCAR.. those guys are still fighting zombies, HA! As if zombies stood a chance against us..
All of them.
I don't understand how that's uglier than the normal mode King's Fall weapons.
The most ugliest gun in Destiny (to me): Stickies
Dreg's Promise Diluvian Conspiracy Theory D Sweet Business Anything from kingsfall
Edytowany przez użytkownika BFGesus: 8/8/2017 11:36:44 PMThe Hothead looks -blam!-ing dumb as -blam!-.
anything from kingsfall
Palindrome... and it's not close!!!!
Suros regime, the white and red model looks like KFC tried to make a gun
I got that hand cannon and it rolled with braced frame and outlaw so its a 3 round instant reload panic gun.
This is why I'm over destiny. Yea I know this is a showcase of a shitgun but look at that nade spam in every other engagement. Can't wait till this pile of gaming shit is in the ground.
There's a green version, 3 shots, low impact, reloads slower than a D2 super charge
That's pretty bad looking. Almost as bad as the Deadshot Luna SR1. That scout rifle's design is terrible. I've never seen a bad looking auto rifle though 😉
Any SUROS Pulse Rifle. Honestly, I stopped using Hawksaw because of this.
mos morsus is bae
It looks better than the palindrome.
Goddamn I hate that fugly gun model.
That Handcannon design they added in TTK was awful.
The ugliest gun in destiny is ANY stupid SUROS Rocket launcher. ESPECIALLY The Weaponsmith version. Nicknamed THE PILL in my house, it can cause quite a lot of indigestion; and packs quite a punch.