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Edytowany przez użytkownika Just Dan: 8/10/2017 8:18:31 PM

Icebreaker legacy engram = y3 engram?

Got legacy Icebreaker as loot on Prison of Elders - this means I've got it in the exotic blueprints kiosk for legacy. But its not appearing for the y3 engram version? I thought if your discovered the y1 weapon you could then buy it in y3 from the kiosk? Or do I now have to buy the legacy one from the kiosk now, and then the kiosk registers I have it and grants me the way to buy the y3 version? Pls explain, looking it up gives no answers... [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game/ app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and Mentors. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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