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Edytowany przez użytkownika Duke 0f Chutney: 8/17/2017 7:07:59 PM

Age of Triumph T-shirt code

I completed my AoT record book to rank 7 around 6/7 weeks ago, and unfortunately didn't buy my t-shirt before the cut off date. But now that the cut off date has been extended, I should be able to purchase my t-shirt but can no longer access my redemption code which I accepted upon reaching rank 7 of the record book. Is there any way I can still get the code or am I out of options? Edit: I've already contacted the store customer service and they failed to help me saying it was an issue they wouldn't be able to solve. Edit: I didn't generate my code, but I accepted my reward in the record book, are they the same thing? If not is there any other way to get the code?

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