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8/20/2017 12:38:56 PM

Are you a Clan Founder on XB1? Army of Prose is looking to expand it's Alliance with two more XB1 clans. Please read for more info!

Army Of Prose is an Alliance of Multiple clans. Most were ones I started up and then handed control over to other people to run for me (running multiple clans can be very time consuming!). Our PS4 side is pretty large due to Alliterate Soldiers (the first clan I set up) being 3 years old and full of very active people. So I'm looking to add two clans (size of clan isn't an issue) to the fold under the Alliance's Banner for the XB1. Though I will consider Multi platform clans and PS4 if your case is strong! [b]Isn't Destiny 2 removing Alliances though?[/b] - Yes! But it doesn't offer much in the way of functionality even when you do ally up multiple clans. So there's no change there. Plus with the way I have the clans set up using a seperate chat app, called Groupme, it really does feel more like an alliance than what was ever there with bungie before. [b]What are the requirements to signing my clan up to the Alliance?[/b] - Two Requirements. First is you need to get all your clan members to sign up to groupme, set up a clan chat and add me to it. Secondly, you must have a minimum of six active members. I'm not asking for a lot really :-), the whole point of being part of an Alliance is we will help support your clan and make it grow over time. [b]Do I lose control of my clan?[/b] - Absolutely not! It stays as your clan! In the past I had clans I set up and created the rules for these clans, but now we have independent clans I didn't set up within the Alliance. These are run by seperate people who all have different tolerances and requirements to signing up to their clans. So you'll keep ownership and choice of requirements for who signs up to your clan. The only requirement we add on is all your members must be a part of the groupme chat in order for the community and Alliance to function at it's best. [b]What do I get out of being part of your Alliance?[/b] - Kind of important this question, without any incentives and pros, there really would be no point! We have Alliance Chat rooms set up, so members from other clans on the same platform aged 15+ can join these Alliance Chats. Giving your members access to play with clan members from other allied clan members. At the moment PS4 players benefit from a shared raid group system, where members from any allied clans on PS4 can be part of a dedicated weekly raid team with the same six to nine people. I hope to incorporate the same system into the XB1 side one sufficient numbers are obtained for people wanting to do this! We also will be holding tournaments (hopefully using as a tracker and event organiser) across all Clans on any system, as well as smaller events across same system clans where clan members from multiple clans team up together against other like teams. If you have any more questions and want to find out more, feel free to message me here or drop me a pm! Link to see how many other clans are in the alliance already - Regards Millenium_Milk

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