Has "Red VS. Blue" fallen from glory after Season 15?
Red VS. Blue is a show from Rooster Teeth that practically created the art of machinma. Red VS. Blue is about a group of sim troopers in red and blue armor forced to fight in their "home", Blood Gulch. After meeting mysterious people, they begin unlocking the dangerous group called Project Freelancer.
Red VS. Blue is something I've been following for a very long time, but it's always been a show that's never let me down. HOWEVER, Season 15 has just recently ended (Last week for some, next week for all the rest), and the Season has proven to be a major let down.
Red VS. Blue is a comedy, and that has always been first, however, Season 6 and onward featured animation and it allowed the show to reach new heights in story telling and of course fight scenes. The old animator was Monty Oum, a legendary name for those that follow Rooster Teeth. After Season 10 however, his involvement went down, and he unfortunately passed away, leaving Red VS. Blue in the wake of a loss.
Season 11 lacked animation, but Season 12 featured a new animator, which was indeed a struggle at first, however, Season 13 had some fantastic pieces and it looked visually appealing at many times. However, writers changed up after Season 13, and I believe this is do to some wanting the show to end after such a fantastic ending.
Season 14 and 15 are the latest two editions to RvB, however, S14 was merely just a series of shorts that had no real impact on the story at times, and I hardly count this as a Season.
However, now we get to Season 15... and it's a shame how bad of a season this truly was. Joel has become the new writer of the show and I believe he put his heart in it, but sadly, it fell through. Lacking anything to go off of, the first 6 episodes featured two new characters as the main protagonists which were both unfunny and boring. In fact, besides the first episode, I didn't find myself amused at all with the start. However, after the Reds and Blues are found again, the comedy does pick back up again.
I want to talk about characters because it truly is a hard subject. The villains weren't great, in fact "Temple" felt like he was a Villain you'd compare to Skolas, an idiot with minimal story and there for only one Season/Expansion. However, I do gotta give Joel credit with building up the Reds, as they NEVER get any development, and I would argue that Grif was the main character for once in this Season, as he showed that he can rival Tucker for the main spotlight, and he did great!
In fact, I'd say the final 4 episodes were all great (minus the finale, which I will not spoil for others atm). Despite these episodes all being great... The episodes before these were all... not so great. Every episode ended on a cliff hanger, they focused way to much on "haha, gotcha moments", they wasted many character arcs, they wasted the two new main characters that led us the first SIX episodes of the season (they became worthless idiots towards the end with very little dialogue), the villains all fell through and only two were likable (Surge and Loco), they did many fake outs, they lacked focus throughout the entire season, TOO MANY MOVIE REFERENCES, lacked the serious part of the series, animation was shitty as hell, and most main characters were shafted just so the Reds and Blues could take down the villains without having the stronger guys to take them out.
There are many things wrong with this Season, but these are just a few points. Tell me what you thought of this Season and answer, "Has Red VS. Blue fallen from Grace?"
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