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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:PC Clan Finder
8/30/2017 8:36:14 PM

PS4 / PC Friendly clan with open recruitment looking for active players

We have a small intimate clan that we would like to expand with active members who intend to play and chat with us. Looking for friendly players and prefer experience with first-person shooters, not necessarily "looter shooters" or Destiny 1. We aren't looking to be the best but we do want to build a strong team of players who don't need to be held by the hand. Despite how that might sound, we are friendly and willing to help whenever possible. Right now all of our members are running on Pacific Standard Time PST and will likely be playing a lot from 9pm - 2am. Not to say that's the only time, that's just when most current players will be active. Players from other time zones are welcome, just be aware we might be at work or in bed during your play time. Updates will come to this forum post as we find new members

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