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Edytowany przez użytkownika Seb: 9/14/2017 8:52:09 AM

Lost My Eververse Exotics

Here's some underlying mechanics to note before I go any further: 1. Postmaster still has a cap of items (something that people didn't like in D1) 2. Eververse engrams flood your inventory with unwanted, annoying to delete mods 3. Mod page limit is 50 (which is easily reached if you spam engrams from eververse) 4. Exotic ornaments go TO THE MOD PAGE (What reasoning is behind this) 5. The postmaster doesn't prioritize KEEPING EXOTICS over USELESS MODS So I, in the heat of the moment, opened 5800 silver worth of engrams (birthday money is great) And I got an exotic ship and a red dwarf ornament that I've been wanting for the longest BUT I didn't notice that it had gone to my postmaster and that I had a full mod page When I went to my postmaster all I has was the most recent pulls I had opened from engrams and the dwarf and ship I pulled were NOT there. The above,mentioned mechanjcs/issues with the game just caused me to essentially waste money (yes I realize falling in to the pressure of eververse was already a pretty big waste) Any Bungie employees out there that can possibly compensate me for this HORRENDOUS in-game mashup of circumstances?

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