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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika I3ALLI5TIC: 10/27/2017 9:00:26 PM

Bungie give us a ranking system and a leaderboard

Crucible needs a ranking system. If you want people to really get into this game I highly recommend one. We know you are more than capable from the past halos you've created. The 1-50 ranking system would be outstanding. Also if we could have a leaderboards it would be amazing. A leaderboard could be applied on the PvE side as well. Track how many times people have soloed nightfalls, raids, strikes, public events, etc. Track how many times you've completed them with a team as well and how fast we did them. For PvP lets open up some more playlists. Take off the radar for trials and other competitive gaming playlists. Shorten the radar distance (just for pvp). Competition and fun is what we all want. It will be difficult to find people who would not stand by this wishlist. Lets make everyone happy by giving them what they want.

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