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11/11/2017 8:44:41 PM

[Astral Travelers] [PC] [Open Recruitment] A new clan looking for members! [FUN] [Open Invite] [Active] [Raids] [Nightfall]

Greetings Guardians, We are looking for people to join our ranks and grow our casual community. Our current purpose is to initiate more people in and meet as much of our weekly activities as possible since it benefits us all. Recruitment is currently open for everyone. If you are interested for Raids, Leviathan, Nightfall, Strikes, Public Events, Trials, overall PvE and PvP then AT is the place to come. You are not obliged to do any activities if you don't feel like it! Let's have fun, together! For the Light ! Recruitment is currently open, so this means anyone can join without approval! To apply: 1) Reply and help by upvoting this post (it will help a lot so others can see us!) 2) Apply here 3) Be as active as you wish!

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