Does anyone really die?
I bet Roland and Handsome Jack are just playing a prank. They probably just respawned in some unknown, anonymous location. Or am I missing something?
[b]Edit[/b]: I missed something.
May the shoot my face guy rest in peace
Edytowany przez użytkownika isaac13d: 12/9/2017 5:07:42 PMThe respawn system isn't canonical Edit: looks like I was a little late to the party on this one
R.I.P Scooter [quote]Catch a Ride[/quote]
Handsome Jack prob made robots of himself if he can store his brain as a ai.
Scooters gone too
New U stations aren't canon
whats a new u
Even if New-U's were canon, the AI that runs them explicitly states that you're just a copy and the real you died long ago. So yes, they're dead.
New-U machines are noncanon
I was going to say New-U stations aren’t canon, but looks like I’ve been beaten to the punch. Does make me curious, though; don’t Fast Travel stations work by digistruction, like New-U stations do? I have to wonder if there’s any reason besides plot New-U stations wouldn’t work.
New U aren't actual canon. They do 4th wall breaking jokes with it though
Maybe we’ll find out in borderlands 3