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12/15/2017 2:28:02 AM

Destiny 1 - Content and Character Migration

Little late to the party I know but only just realised that my progress in Destiny 1 is all for nothing as far as Destiny 2 is concerned seeing as I completed a lot of stuff after the August data migration. I cant be the only one to have this issue. Well, I am not, my wife and best friend are the same. I got D1 at release then stopped playing until last October when I got the collection version with all the DLC and that was when I got the wife playing. We played a load and then moved on to other things for a while. The migration came and went without us realising then we rushed the core of D1 so that we could start D2. Unfortunately when loading in my character I didnt get all the backstory I hoped for as we hadnt completed enough of D1 by migration. My mate had D1 early doors too but only about 6 weeks ago got the Rise of Iron DLC. The wife and I started new characters and have walked him through the game from the very start again and have been trying our damnedest to 100% the game (or as best as we can) but the realisation came that we wont see the full backstory upon starting D2 with these new guardians. Such a shame. I really wish Bungie would/could do a monthly or quarterly data migration to allow players who have started new characters since August to get the most out of moving to Destiny 2. Also.... With the number of players who have gone back and repopulated Destiny 1 it would be great to get some of the content back. I missed out on the Sparrow Racing League and Trials of Osiris, there is no doubt more I missed out on and I am sure a vast number of players have, either those returning to D1 after spending time with D2 or those who only got into Destiny with the second game and decided to pick up the first to get the full picture with regards to lore etc. So yeah, the late night ramblings of an idiot. No idea why I posted this, Bungie wont do any of the things mentioned let alone read the thread but hey, I felt like I needed to write it down somewhere so where better than somewhere in which like minded people might have the same hopes and feelings.

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  • I whole heartedly agree, nothing would make me happier to see my gear back from D1 just as it were in D2... like a simple glitch in the system mission where a good samaritan from the tower was accessing the data from the OLD vaults and were able to decrypt everything, Wasn't that the point of the discovery of the fourth new state of matter the ENGRAM? I mean simply put the lore states that the data can be restored. What would be icing on the cake is that those players who were exclusive for PS4 all those years, or Xbox one... they too got their gear back but it was only for those guardians. I seriously don't want to grind for everything again especially since everyone else can get it. Like I want to combine my characters gear with D2 stuff and mix it up with the year one flair showing that yeah I was the bad ass guardians that defended the world against the hive, the vex, the fallen, SIVA, We were the ones that became Iron Lords. Give us titles, give us the rewards we faught and grinded hours for. Don't give us an entirely new grind for the same rehashed shit. Give our years of dedication meaning. Not saying you guys owe us anything, just saying it would be nice to have that sort of insider access for supporting you guys when others would not. I said my fair share of doubt here on the forums, but I'm starting to see now that (no offence what so ever) that Destiny needed to suck in order for it to become great. This game has so much potential with the lore and the stories... the stories that we can tell to our friends and showing them the gear we've acquired and the hours it took for us to get it all. This was Bungies original goal and I specifically remember Deej saying this exact stuff. That's what I want. I want to migrate my character from PS4 to PC, I admire some of the gear in D2 and theres a ton of stuff I loved grinding for... but... nothing better than imago loop, or eyasluna... or dare I say it... Year 1 Thorn. I sound entitled, but I feel the game is building up for that sort of high stake environment where that stuff will matter very little. I hope Destiny follows through with getting our old vaults fixed and being able to lay new eyes on familiar monsters hidden away in our closets.... This video above, right here at 8:56 "we want you to earn the things that you have. So if you have that exotic belt fed machine gun in your arsenal, you should always have a memory attached to that. I won that by killing that strike on mars hardest difficulty setting. That is mine it defines me." "We are very sensitive of the fact that we earned the right to put a number on the box, right now... it's Destiny." I don't know lol...

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  • I`ve recently upgraded to a One X from a 360 and you can still do a D1 character and content migration.

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