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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika DarkBubsy420: 12/13/2017 1:20:50 AM

Code of the Fireforged Buff

So I really like the melee ability for code of the fireforged, and would like to use it. Problem is that code of the siegebreaker is better by miles, picking fire forged is a huge gimp to yourself. The problem is that 2 of the passives in the path should be one thing. Both Explosive Pyre and Vulcans Rage are tied to your ult. There are a few options I could see: Merge these 2 passives into one, and give fireforged a new passive altogether. Or make it so Tempered Metal also gives additional super charge to you and a bit to allies even (the more interesting option IMO just because it would help establish it as a good support option) Either way I really think this path needs to be looked at, because it is clearly the weakest in the game, and I see no one ever run it. Having half of your passives tied into your super, means you're only working with half the abilities as everyone else, and only when you use the super are you getting full use of your kit. Most other classes have paths that have a passive tied directly to the super, and that's fine when it's just one passive. But again having 2 passives that effect your super only means you only have half the kit everyone else does for the majority of the time. There isn't even a good exotic for this either. In fact one of the best titan exotics only really works well with siegebreaker. Hallowfire heart rewards you for holding on to your super, which means spending even more time only using half of the abilities in code of the fireforged, plus siegebreaker has Sun Warrior which lets them charge their abilities faster as well as let their super last longer further cementing it as the only choice for Hallowfire Heart. Let's not forget to mention that Tempered Metal doesn't even work well with Fireforged melee either. Essentially the melee ability for Fireforged is a debuff, it isn't meant to get the kill and is best used debuffing strong targets for you and your allies to then kill. But yet, if you use the debuff you're then wasting Tempered Metal as it requires you to get kills with your solar abilities. Meaning that your only real options for Tempered Metal is again, your Super, or grenade kills. I know this will probably get buried, but I've been wanting this and I feel like no one talks about it since everyone is just happy using siegebreaker anyways. The main thing that keeps me from playing my Titan is the fact that code of the fireforged (the path I'd really like to use) is all around the weakest option for either pve or pvp. I really hope Bungie look into retooling this, because I enjoy the exploding hammers and the debuff melee ability, but I just can't gimp myself into playing with half a kit.

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