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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
12/22/2017 10:18:25 AM

Mayhem Warlock Bug

Is Bungie -blam!-ing serious. I just got home from work and decided to play some Mayhem only to find out the -blam!-ing aids Warlock community have found a way to ruin PvP so close to Christmas. For once, I was having a good time with Destiny and this happens, and how does bungie respond? "Hey guys, this bug won't be fixed until early 2018". Pretty much when the -blam!-ing Dawning is over and Mayhem is gone anyway. It's like everytime Bungie releases something it's broken, every single day for the past like 2 weeks. Bungie has somehow continued to screw things up.

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