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12/28/2017 6:43:37 PM

Player Feedback: The Dawning

Hello all, Since the Dawning went live, we've been watching the conversation and recording your feedback. I'd like to give a short list of items that have been noted. This list is not prioritized in any fashion, but a quick representation of trending topics throughout the community: [quote][b]• Eververse • Mayhem • Vault Space • Endgame - Strikes, Raids, Item Collection • Crucible - Gametypes, Team sizes • Sandbox Balancing - Exotics weapons and armor • Three of Coins • Curse of Osiris: Weapons Forge Questing • [url=]Masterworks and Weapon/Armor Modifications[/url][/b] [/quote] That said, keep it coming. When we return to full force in 2018, details will be shared on the feedback that was collected and how we'll look to address it. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika fatymatpat: 12/28/2017 7:37:51 PM
    I hope the Bungie team is enjoying their holiday, god knows they worked hard to create all of those sweet Eververse items. While they are celebrating a large chunk of their remaining player base will most likely just abandon the game. As for the ones who stay I’m sure they won’t be seeing any QoL changes any time soon, the first week back will be an announcement, just like you stated above, followed by another month of the exact same game. And then another mediocre change to the game. But I hope they enjoy what they made at least, cheers!

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  • náhodná role

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  • Revert the change made to the three Titan charge melees. It's utterly useless as an aerial now.

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  • tilfældig rulle

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  • Willekeurige rol

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  • Le roll de random

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  • Le random roll

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  • Randomly rolling weapons

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  • Random rolls

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    1 Odpowiedź
    • Random rolls, your game is static, fix it.

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    • Remove the Oathbreaker Debuff! Innocent players get punished by it. Seriously.

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    • I think Dawnblade needs a little work. Icarus dash's cooldown should reset once you land and trade off between the good super in the bottom tree vs the top is a little unblanced. The bottom Tree is really only good for when you have your super. (not that i don't like dive, but thats all it has) [quote][u][b]Attunement of Sky:[/b][/u] [b]I: Solar Wind:[/b] Hold R1 to charge a cone of solar wind. Pushes enemies back with a light burn effect. (the cone of burn should be enough to kill a group of dregs) [b]II:Icarus dash/Phoenix dive:[/b] Press O, O/B, B while midair to dodge. Hold O/B while midair to quickly descend and restore your health. While Daybreak is active, Descend causes explosive damage. [b]III:Heat rises/winged sun:[/b] Airborne kills recharge your Grenade and Melee energy. Engage your enemies mid-flight. Fire weapons and throw grenades while gliding. [b]IV:Everlasting Flame:[/b] Killing an enemy with Daybreak extends its duration. Daybreak projectiles seek targets as they travel and, upon impact, launch a streak of deadly flames.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Attunement of Song:[/b][/u] [b]I: Brimstone:[/b] Hold R1 to Charge a cone of Solar damage,. Targets killed by Brimstone explode and produce an orb of Light. note: enough damage to kill a group of dregs. [b]II: Radiance:[/b] Can no longer shoot projectiles from magical space sword. All abilities have vastly reduced cooldowns while Radiance is active. [b]III: Song of Flame:[/b] Allies near radiance while active have slightly(but noticeable) reduced ability cooldowns. (IMPORTANT:Make sure there is an AOE circle to indicate for allies to come near you) [b]IV: Embrace the Sun!:[/b] Your (orange) Rift reduces you and your ally's grenade and melee cooldowns while standing in it Note:(2-3 grenades but only when standing in it for the entire duration. Remember this ability has a long cooldown of 1:23 and lasts about 15 seconds so an extra two grenades shouldn't be OP i believe.)[/quote] ***Note: cooldown reducing perks cannot be stacked with another sun-singer at the same time.

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    • Nice I would love some new game types and larger team sizes!! Yay! But also buff snipers!! And remove Eververse

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    • 1
      I would love to see Blink go back to how it was, or at the very least, don’t take the radar away for so long. Because I’m not always sure if I’m blinking into the enemy team or not because pvp spawns are all over the place.

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    • Mass delete shader option.

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    • Let us delete multiple shaders/gears

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      14 Odpowiedzi
      • Weapons with rolls that are random

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      • Wtf does this even say? Hi, we're here, things you talk about, bye. OK?

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        1 Odpowiedź
        • Weapons with changeable perks

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        • Nice to see one of you is human enough to brave the forum, well done. However, my question to you and all is, why since Dawning started have I not received one piece of bright dust from Tess but before amassed over 10,000 still while using it in Eververse? Would like an answer and hopefully it is not 'so you would have to purchase' as I have been kinder than most about Eververse and it's choice to purchase or not.

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        • Make it easier to join a fireteam from the app. Joining other players through PSN is a pain.

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        • Randomly rolled weapons

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        • That ain’t a small list that’s the whole game

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        • This negativity, in my opinion, is mainly aimed in the wrong direction. If I were to REALLY complain about this game, Eververse would absolutely not make my list of complaints because I just don't see it as an issue (barring the real life issues I'll bring up shortly), given that I don't really care about cosmetics. For me, the aim of the live team should be to look at the fundamental short coming of the core gameplay itself, things like: The movement speed of a guardian being significantly slower than we enjoyed in Destiny 1. I could accept that it was a thing during our time when we lost our light, but we got it back and we just weren't returned to our standard strength and speed that we got used to from our 3 years in Destiny 1. Simply increasing all character movement by maybe 5-10% at the most could be enough to make people want to play more, after all, the gunplay in Destiny 1 won awards for how good it was. Not sure who decided they'd never heard of the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but someone in the office needs to have a quiet word with that guy 😲 I'd argue that what [i]feels[/i] like 80% of the lore has been removed and that the short sightedness of the development team (for starting D2 before yr2 of D1) has severely damaged the story continuation (just look to Saladin being labelled the last Iron Lord, for example) and that a solution could simply be to reintroduce either dead ghosts or something similar for us to hunt in the open world that could "fill the gaps", so to speak, between the end of the Destiny 1 timeline and the beginning of Destiny 2's. I know it's kind of being done now with the back story comics, but I feel that that kind of approach kind of alienates people who just want to play the game and learn from their gaming time, instead of [i]needing[/i] to take a time out to read up on lore from another source. I could go through my other 1 or 2 real issues with the game, but I hope I kind made my point a little bit and I bet you're getting sick of reading all this. Eververse and the current Dawning event is a cosmetic cash grab attempt and sadly, it was a bit too very obvious, but I could also argue that the idea of NOT owning every cosmetic item available in a limited time event could also lead to actually unique looking guardians (finally) and to look at it that way is kinda cool to me. At least it's aiming to be self sustaining (hence why it's free). Obviously there are issues I have with Eververse itself, from a parental point of view because 15yr old kids are being enabled to essentially gamble on a platform. But if it was me, I'd simply remove rng from Eververse when purchasing things for silver, make each item buyable on an individual basis and then jack up the price of either silver itself, or the cost of silver per item in order for Bungie to hopefully still have itself a steady enough stream of revenue to continue hosting free cosmetic events. Failing that, parents need to actually pay attention to what their children are actually doing in the game and set a purchase block password on the platform of choice (although I don't know if that's possible on pc). Another option could be to introduce a cosmetic trade option or kiosk where people could sell their dupes for silver or trade, should they so desire. That way, even people with sh*t luck still have an absolute way of getting what they want as a last resort essentially. Thanks for taking the time to read guys, I know that was a lot ☺

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          7 Odpowiedzi
          • Rolls that are random

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          • Random rolls

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