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1/20/2018 4:56:06 PM

Are you an ACTIVE Destiny Raider? We need you! Clan WTF! PS4, U.S. Adult clan. Play with good, chilled, patient people?

WTF is a clan built on respect and not being rude. Seriously the one main rule in WTF is do not be rude. That simple. There is no back stabbing, raging, etc. If you want to play with good people who are patient, kind, LOVE to laugh and goof off, then this clan is for you! That being said we are at almost 80 members now! WTF is a very strong well established clan with ACTIVE Destiny players (seriously). But here is the thing...we recently have had some of our raid members take a Destiny break. Well, we need to bring in more Destiny players that WANT to raid! Below is exactly what we are looking for. - You are very ACTIVE on Destiny 2 - You want to raid every week if possible - PS4 - Adults/18+ (If you are mature for your age we can make exceptions sometimes) - You have patience, a good attitude and love to laugh. Everyone in WTF is respectable and has good character quality. (Sounds weird but's a rare environment!) - WTF mainly raids on the weekends. - You are okay with using the Discord app for all communication. - You have or will acquire a mic. * We DO have 1 member in Mexico, 3 members in the U.K. and 4 in Russia. I put U.S. in the headline simply so you guys would know we are predominantly in the U.S. If you are from another country that's perfectly fine and encouraged! Just please know a little English. ;) If you are interested then please either request to join us at message myself, TheGamingYoda on here, or respond to this post! Hope to hear from you. :D

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