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Edytowany przez użytkownika FoMan123: 3/9/2018 11:15:11 PM

Advice for Chris Barret, Luke Smith, & Bungo CEO- There is no Money to be Made Here!

Sorry to say this bungo. I realize Bungie you are trying to make money on this game, but you are climbing up a wall that is too steep. You should start working on a new big DLC similar to Rise of Iron or TTK. The game isn't bad, but the gamers are done with it. And not much you can do bro. Even if Bungie completely fixes this game, and it fully turns around, which is highly unlikely people are not coming back like before. People are not sheep. We are intelligent beings, we will make mistakes, but we learn from them, that is what separates us from animals. So people are not coming back and spending money here. Not till next year. What can Bungie do? Well they could stop hyping these boring change of the game. Increase the damage? Who cares. So what. On the same guns with LOCKED perks. We have the guns already. Why come back and grind for the same guns AGAIN. My vault is full of guns? Bungie needs to fully shut down ALL COMMUNICATION till they have a real update.These update they are doing are simply things that should have been in the game AT LAUNCH. All these sandbox changes they are doing, are too little too late. Bungie should focus on adding variety and depth to the game before it comes out, not AFTER. Making only slight changes isn't the answer. People hate the game at its core. Means Eververse needs to be heavily scaled back. The need to add a lot of content. Not just a small dlc. And add more replay value to the game. These kinds of things are going to be hard because people feel like they already played it and paid for it, so how can someone make money on a game that people feel they already bought. There is no money to be made here. At this point picking the game up again will be difficult. One thing tho that most people have in common is that once they let something go, for a certain amount of time, maybe 6 month or a year, they will come back. And when they do, hopefully at that point you will have some exciting news for us. In the meantime, please don't waste your time on these boring updates. Emblems are great, and buffing exotics is great, but I feel like I already played with thes exotics, so it isn't fresh and new to me. Only thing that will bring me back is a TTK sized dlc. I know those take a while to make, but I will wait patiently. Things like space battle, should be included this time around, because I will not fall for another Destiny 2 again. I want some fresh stuff this time around. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I want to start off by saying that I am happy with the changes coming... but what can I say it’s hard to disagree with what you’re saying here. At risk of sounding in entitled or demanding, it simply seems ridiculous how long it takes Bungie to put out a patch... especially when other game companies are making sandbox changes much quicker. There are also major, risky changes to the game, such as more access to heavy and having no radar in all competitive modes... I don’t think that these changes are necessarily bad, but if in fact they are, it is almost sure fire that we will be stuck with the changes for months. Let’s say there is a problem with the gameplay, they are going to spend the next 6 to 7 months playing catch-up to fix that problem, instead of coming up with creative new content.... It’s also not going to do anything about the backlash, the only thing that is going to stop the backlash is for them to do exactly what the community wants, regardless of how it impacts the game. This is not out of the cards, but I change the weapon slots will literally be an extreme endeavor and if they decide to go down this route you can bet your bottom dollar that we will never see any new creative content. And is totally depends on what Bungie is chasing, do they wanna make the game better, or do they want to improve their public image? We’ll see.

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