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3/14/2018 6:22:58 PM

why is it that bungie feels it necessary to use the d-pad for four different emotes instead of using it to give us four weapon slots?

seriously, i like having access to mid-long range energy weapons with the energy weapon slot, but it should never have come at the expense of replacing the slot for special weapons, energy primaries do have their place in destiny as a quick way to deal elemental damage at midrange but because they came at the cost of our ability to use so many weapons people hate them and want them gone entirely, and the thing is this could and still can be entirely avoided. Bungie is planning an emote wheel, four different emotes assigned to each direction of the D pad, but really what's more important? being able to dance on a single button press? or having access to more weapons and having more control over which weapon you swap to?

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