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Edytowany przez użytkownika Jiggy: 3/29/2018 1:23:04 AM

{PVP} Crucible SHOWDOWN [looking] (For CONTENDERS)

My Clan is creating a tournament called the "Crucible Showdown". This tournament's purpose is s that guardians can fight 4v4 matches with/against clan members. The tournament should have about 8 teams on each console and pc and should a total of 7 matches; I have 5 teams on xbox and need 3 more and 8 on pc and ps4. Each weekend there will 2 matches, one on saturday, and the other on sunday, and the final match for each platform will be on a sunday, which will be enough time for teams to prepare. Each tournament will have a referee and a sub-referee. XBOX: jiggysnip090 (me) and ? PS4: ? and ? PC: ? and ? Need 1 XBOX, 2 PC, And 2 PS4 Referees Requirements: - Must be active for tournament - Have a team of 4 - Be in the clan - Must have mic - Be a PS4, XB1, or PC (DUH) here are the rules: - if all of your teammates aren't ready or not here on time, your team will be disqualified - if a member or the whole team leaves the match, they are disqualified - changing gear during a match leads to penalty for yours and the opponents team sorry, that's all the rules i have so far, i'll think of more along the way so yeah, Showdown starts in {may}, giving you a lot of time to train and find fireteam members Discord: Clan: Founder: jiggysnip090 "Progress through Unity"

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