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4/7/2018 7:21:39 PM

Somebody really wants to break into my house, apparently

Open the door


Call the Ghostbusters


I'm really not joking in the slightest. I go to bed in the early morning hours every day, which means I stay up all night. One night at like 3 A.M. somebody turned my door nob and pulled my door trying to open it - then walked away. At first, it didn't bother me, maybe that person was pranking or drunk or something. But then, maybe a week later there are footsteps outside my door; somebody just pacing around. And it has been like that for weeks now. Always very late at night. I even here banging like somebody is hitting the wall or something. I don't know if that person is trying to break in, but it's definitely not my neighbors. So what the hell should I do? I don't want to sound like a coward but opening a door to the unknown doesn't sound like a great plan. I'll probably have to though - which in that case I'll get my gun out. - The thought of some psycho doing this every day to me is freaky as hell.

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