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Edytowany przez użytkownika Anemoi: 6/8/2018 3:05:10 AM

Just how important is the range stat?

I get the obvious "when it has more range, it can land more damage from farther away", yet am I the only one who sees it being incredibly insignificant? Range is dependent on types certainly (scouts vs hand cannons = scouts see better damage fall off numbers). Should I really not even worry about range stats for PvE and just go with stability/reload/whatever else (using in raids and nightfalls and such)? I'm guessing for PvP it would probably be good to keep range high however. edit: how about range masterworks on shottys?

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika Ascent_Cobra: 6/8/2018 10:09:03 PM
    [i]"Just how important is the range stat?"[/i] PVE: It isn't, which is funny because most people are -far- too focused on it. They don't fully realize the combination of what it does vs. the incredibly low real return of increasing the stat. PVP: Same thing as above, with 1 additional point. The only time range is going to matter is if it reduces the amount of shots required for an optimal TTK. The problem with increasing range: Every time a player with a range increased weapon isn't in the perfect situation, where the increased range stat was just enough to reduce the TTK, its becomes a completely wasted stat.

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    1 Odpowiedź
    • It's important for secondary reasons to pure damage over distance. The aim assist and cone of accuracy are directly tied to the range stat. So more range means more consistent shots. Once you're at the natural boundary range for your weapon all the accuracy and aim assist lessens dramatically. The optics of your weapon actually have a more noticeable affect on your range than the white stat bar. For example: The Origin Story auto rifle, if you had one masterworked with +5 range and using the hitmark sight , that would have less range than a non masterworked version using the red dot micro sight. The strongest example I have may well be outdated now because it is from destiny 1. But the suros PDX -41 pulse rifle which was 360rpm, think last perdition or inaugural address before they bumped their RoF to 390rpm. I compared 2 of them with a friend one day in a private match. We stood at opposite ends a hallway and took turns popping crit shots off and calling out the numbers. Theirs had hammer forged and rifled barrel which pushed the range bar up past 80+ it was ridiculous! Mine had hammer forged and handlaid stock, which actually took away the same amount of range that hammer forge offered, basically cancelling out the range to default. But mine also had the SPO 28 red dot sight ( my favorite ) and even with half a whole range bar less than theirs it had a better dropoff. Because they were using the SLO 19 shortzoom projection sight. It was hard to believe so we tested multiple times to make sure but the numbers didn't lie. So a long winded post I know but to sum up. Range is probably the most important aspect of your gun, but don't be deceived by how much range the white bar's actually mostly affected by the optics/ sight/ scope of the gun you choose to use. As a side note I've noticed that some apparent long range scopes in d2 offer less increase to the visible range stat bar than shorter zoom red dot sights. I'm not sure if this is bugged or some twisted design philosophy. Anyway good luck out there!

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