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6/9/2018 12:13:38 AM

"Annual Pass" (and Old DLC Requirement) is yet another Insult to the dwindling playerbase

for those who didnt wanna watch the linked video: -The content they are selling to us in the Annual Pass is the same kind of content that was supposed to be (and actually was in the case of Destiny 1) given to the entire player base for free and WAS FUNDED BY THE EVERVERSE. If they are going to do this annual pass crap, then please REMOVE EVERVERSE. -The Requirement of DLC's 1 (Curse of Osiris) and 2 (Warmind) for access to DLC 3 (Foresaken) Is asinine, stupid, insulting, and underhanded. I say this because of the way DLC 2 was handled. To put it bluntly, Bungie made DLC 2 NOT REQUIRE DLC 1 to play. Thus encouraging People to not buy the season pass (giving them both DLC's at a discounted rate), and instead just buy DLC 2. Now with the requirement of DLC's 1 and 2 for DLC 3, they have effectively -blam!-ed over the players they had just managed to win back with the release of DLC 2. They now have to pay full retail for the DLC that they never -blam!-ing wanted in the first place. Disclaimer: Im one of the stupid Knobs that purchased Destiny 2 AND the season pass day 1. So the later argument doesnt actualy effect me. But I still think its very -blam!-ed up and under handed. Good luck trying to get any players to come back at this point. And yes i am aware there will be some sort of discounted pack that gives everything for a slightly discounted price. Good for new players that have never touched the game until now. But pretty -blam!-ed for those stuck somewhere in the middle.

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